Hi Everyone
Brian Chappell will be appearing on our behalf next week in a webinar. He will concentrate on; why you should fight back as a punter when your privacy rights are being breached, how to do this, including reference to a new ‘cloud’ based product he’s been testing that keeps your privacy safe whilst betting online. He will also mention consumer law and what you can and cannot do, ensuring you don’t break UK and EU law during the ethical pursuit of protecting your privacy online whilst betting.
Finally, he will comment on how this increased personal online security may, or just as importantly, may not, enable punters to decrease their chances of having accounts factored and closed if they are part of the 2-5% who dare to win or approach their betting in a logical way, i.e. have a hobby where they try hard (a bit like when you practice and try to win for your local football or cricket club, as opposed to not really bothering or being too lazy to try hard).
If you wish to attend the webinar you must register in advance using the ‘Justice for Punter’s’ link; remember it’s free and places are limited:
We have also launched a new webpage entitled, “Bookmakers are watching you: Time to fight back”. The url is: https://justiceforpunters.org/restrictions-closures/bookmaker-spying-time-to-fight-back/
Brian is also appearing on BBC radio 4’s consumer programme ‘You and Yours’ (hopefully on Wednesday the 4th between 12.15-13.00) to talk about online privacy and gambling.
Brian hopes to be answering some of your questions at the webinar and that you will listen to BBCr4.
Best of luck.
‘Justice for Punters’