Loyalty is not something that is held in high regard by some bookmakers. This email text explains:
(****2015 11.30 AM)
Please do pass this email on to your senior managers as it is about
company “image”.
I’ve been a **** customer for years and have turned over
thousands of pounds generating a significant amount of income for
**** in commission on winning bets and of course again for you
on other peoples’ accounts when I place losing bets.
As from a couple of weeks ago this is now much less, why? Simple really,
it’s called ****. My experience ********************************** is disgusting.
**** appears to treat its customers as bad as ****, which is an achievement in itself.
I attach a screengrab of a bet I attempted to place this morning. The
quality is not great, but it outlines that you would lay me 0.71p of a
£10.00 bet at 7-1 in a major Saturday handicap race – pathetic. Of
course you encourage me to let somebody else take the risk on your
Have I won money on ****; no. Do I try to get the best price on ****,
yes. Do **** shout they offer the best prices in the world; yes, but, apparently
only when it is someone else taking the risk. Anyway, after
shouting your qualities from the roof to many, I will now
be telling everyone that you are no different.
An extremely disappointed long-term customer.
On ****/2015 ****Support wrote:
* Status: Solved
You recently requested personal assistance from our on-line Support
Centre. Below is a summary of your request and our response. If this
issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may reopen it within the
next 7 days. Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.
(****2015 05.43 PM)
Hi ****
Thanks for your email.
Firstly we would like to say that we do appreciate your loyalty.
Upon looking into your account I can see you are at a loss on
*****, however there is nothing we can do about this, we have no
control of what the outcome are on your bets. Also you mentioned laying, there is no laying on ********.
*********is a normal bookmaker, that you place your bet on so I cannot
understand what your issue is on this.
Let me know if there’s anything else I can help with. Or maybe our FAQs
will come in handy?
We love to tweet too; find us ****.
(****/2015 10.42 AM)
Hi ****
Thanks for your reply.
However, it has to be the worst reply ever, as you’ve completely missed
my point, or chosen with advice from a manager to ignore it.
No need to tell me I’m losing on **** (I know) or that you can’t
do anything about this: Please don’t insult me I’ve gambled for over ****
My point is that despite me losing so far, ****is
unwilling to take a £10.00 bet off me at 7-1 BOG. This is a massive
risk of £70.00 for a multinational company. For me this places ****
in the same category as many of the large bookmakers, i.e. you don’t
want to take bets at BOG even though you shout loudly that this is a
bonus of your service.
Like I said initially, this is very poor PR for **** and I for one
will be using Smarkets and other Exchanges much, much more from now on.
Have another go at answering the question as to why **** does this
for such small bets and I might reconsider my future betting with you or
don’t bother replying and insulting my intelligence again.
On ****/2015 23:41, ****wrote:
**** * Status: Solved
You recently requested personal assistance from our on-line Support
Centre. Below is a summary of your request and our response. If this
issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may reopen it within the
next 7 days. Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.
(****/2015 11.41 PM)
Hi ****
I’m sorry to hear you aren’t happy with the service provided, the reason
you wasn’t able to place that bet is because there has been a business
decision made to limit your betting on our ****but you are free
to bet on the Exchange.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Let me know if there’s anything else I can help with. Or maybe our FAQs
**** will come in handy?
We love to tweet too; find us ****.
Hi ****
Thank you for your reply.
At last some honesty and we all know where we stand.
Your reply means I have also made a business decision to limit my betting on your Exchange. I will be using Smarkets instead and encouraging others to do the same.
This will not cause **** much inconvenience, but like Tesco, Sainsbury and Asda this will change if you treat your customers like “mugs”.
Please do pass this final communication on to your senior managers.
We are delighted to tell you that this dispute was eventually solved showing the customer (punter) can win if they are persistent and this account is now unrestricted. The time involved for the punter (writing letters & phone calls) was partially recompensed with some free bets as the accusations made about the punter by the Traders were proven false and the CEO overturned their decision. But, the PR damage is done and we suspect the Traders never thought their hasty decision would come back to bite their company as most punters ‘do as they’re told‘. PLEASE DON’T – get complaining using our standard letters/emails AND get campaigning with the regulators and MPs.