Trading Standards (Citizens Advice)

These days if you try to complain to Trading Standards they will nearly always put you through to Citizens Advice see:, so it is probably better to start there in the first place.  There are different services for different countries in the UK (we also provide a telephone number for the Republic of Ireland below), these differing services can be accessed using a link on the webpage provided (top left hand corner – drop down menu).  It is probably easiest to ring, but they also provide a web form and email address you can use.

On December 22nd 2015 they confirmed to us that they do deal with gambling disputes and will provide advice, but it does depend on the nature of the complaint.  This does sound promising, because Mr Ed had been told on more than one occasion previously that they did not deal with gambling disputes as gambling law is too complex.  We are not sure why this may have changed, but it could be due to all the new consumer legislation in mid to late 2015 that now means gamblers are recognised in law as consumers?

We can only take them at their word, so get complaining and do let us know what sort of help you receive:

England: 03444 111 444


Wales: 03444 77 20 20

Northern Ireland:

Republic of Ireland: 0761 07 4000



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