Examples of non-financial data interaction analysis

The following features a number of common types of communication between the customer and the gambling company that J4P has seen.  They suggest possible exploitation by a gambling company and/or desperation by a customer that should have been noted and gambling stopped until income had been checked.

An extremely important addition to the tables is evidence within correspondence of self-exclusion and time-outs.  Allowing someone to gamble whilst self-excluded, so long as it is obvious from registration details, if there is more than one account, is arguably the worst offence a UK licensed gambling company can make.  J4P has regularly seen pathetic excuses as to why large corporations didn’t identify a person who opened a second account whilst self-excluded.  The most extreme being a person whose personal details were exactly the same on two accounts except the addition of a middle name on the second account.

Yes, that’s how pathetic some of the rogue operators are!  Of course some other operators would offer some sort of refund immediately in this situation.

VIP inducement

VIP bonuses

Customer desperate for bonuses

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