Unregulated and unfair, but encouraged by licensed brands for profit

Do you try to run a service for sports bettors that’s honest?  If yes, please read to the end and join J4P’s campaign.

J4P’s focussing below on imaginary tipsters, but what’s highlighted also applies to ratings services and information/analytical websites.  Why the honest guys are punished whilst the rogues prosper is beyond comprehension.


I’m Barry Trump

I spend most of my time developing my social media presence.  I’ve 85,000 followers on Twitter, but I bought 97% of them. My tips are free.

My policy is to promote as many tips as possible on all sorts of sports.  This means we always have a winning tip to promote in our advertising, whilst ignoring losers.

The only income I receive is from losing bets that my social media follower’s back.  There’s a skill to this.  I have to promote free bets and other promotions so that people sign up to bookmakers accounts through my affiliate links.  This ensures I receive commissions of 20-50% on all the losing accounts that I sign up.

I do lose followers when people realise I’m tipping to lose, but by that time I’ll have made quite a bit from them in commission and even when they block my social media accounts if they continue to bet and lose using other information or choosing their own bets I still receive losing commissions on their accounts.

My commissions presently provide an income of £2,800 per month with every chance that this will keep improving; some other people make much more. I work about four hours per day.

The bookmakers really support my work with special promotions and extensive customer data in order for me to better target my tips at my losing customer base. I can also be certain that the bookmakers will stop any people I sign up from betting if they win, which is great, as it enhances my commission; no point in giving winners a chance, if you don’t have to.  The bookmakers are great to work with, because we share the same primary aim, e.g. to take as much money off people as possible; the perfect synergistic relationship.

I also run other tipster services using ‘SC predicts the score’, ‘Arthur the winner’ and ‘Beat the odds Barry.’

I’m Trevor the tipster

Two years ago I setup a subscription tipping service.  My hope was to help people make money from betting on football after all subscription costs.

I spend 12 hours every day ‘crunching’ data in an attempt to find opportunities for my 40 subscribers.  I charge £20 per month for all my tips, so the gross income before costs is £800.

It’s difficult to keep subscribers even though the return on investment from my tips after subscription costs has been 6% since I started.  Many people expect instant big profits, but this isn’t possible even if a subscriber places large stakes.  I lost 11 larger staking subscribers recently, because their accounts were stake restricted to pennies by all the major online bookmakers.

Unlike the story of ‘Terry the tipster’ presented here the bookmakers actively try to ruin my business by restricting the accounts of my subscribers.  Other ‘scam’ tipsters don’t help with their promise of big instant profits.

‘Roger’s ratings’, ‘Alan the analyst’ and ‘Dave the Data’ also try to provide a great service with no bookmaker connections.  Again, their subscribers face challenges placing bets, so often leave their hard working, honest services.

It’s a lot of hours with an income that doesn’t pay the bills.  I would certainly make more and life would be easier if I followed the unscrupulous route taken by ‘Terry the tipster’.  I simply can’t understand why governments and regulators tacitly approve of honest businesses having to stuggle, whilst allowing dishonest businesses to prosper.

I’m Bill the Winner

I’ve been around for a long time.  I’m an old style tipster.  I advertise in newspapers, magazines and provide my tips on expensive telephone lines.  I also use social media and a website now to promote my tips.  I try to make sure I only advertise where people aren’t going to ask questions about the profit and loss from my tips.  I wouldn’t want that, because my tips have never made money, except for the odd week where things have come good: I obviously advertise those weeks.

I do need to work more on my online presence, because this is a goldmine when your tips lose over a period of time due to affiliate commissions from bookmakers.

I’ve become quite well known and sometimes do interviews for media and bookmakers, which helps to convince potential customers that I’m actually good at what I do.

For more than 20 years I’ve never had any problems developing my unprofitable tipping services as nobody in officialdom cares despite me advertising false promises and being deceitful.

What next?

Officialdom has done nothing to stop the situation outlined here, isn’t it time that hard working, honest people outlined their experiences too them?

Why do so many of you keep quiet?  J4P supposes you’re working hard and you don’t have the time, but this is a mistake.  How much easier and perhaps successful would your business be if the cosy relationship between the bookmaking industry and dubious gambling services was stopped.  Even better, how successful would you be if bookmakers had to be bookmakers and take bets up to a certain liability for everyone?

It’s time to take the fight to

officialdom.  Do you want to join our campaign and become part of telling governments and regulators that their in-action is wrecking the work of honest people whilst promoting the work of dishonest people?  Why not send your thoughts and experiences to: using the ‘Subject Line’: Government & Regulators support honesty.

We look forward to hearing from you and using your evidence, anonymously if you wish, to help convince officialdom that change is needed.


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