RORY DELARGY: Positive words from Gambling Commission

Source: RORY DELARGY: Positive words from Gambling Commission

You will have your own experiences, but this is a reminder of things that people can tell the Gambling Commission consumer email service about (get complaining –

1. Bookmakers removing promotions like BOG after the event to avoid paying out at the correct odds.
2. Identity abuse when it is patently obvious your betting patterns are nothing to do with crime, e.g. just because you win.
3.  Customer services refusing to give a reason for just about anything.
4.  In shop promotions not providing exact detail, e.g. you think you’re getting BOG on the whole of your bet, but you’re not.
5.  Every bookmaker who uses Iovation (iesnare) refusing to fulfill the law by not informing you exactly what it does and why.
5.  Being refused even £5 bets, thus redefining gambling, i.e. bookmakers only trade with people who lose.
6.  Using terms and conditions that are written to confuse and catch people out.
7.  Hiding significant terms and conditions on page 6.
8.  That many bookmakers quite simply use their licence to prey on individuals who they know have no chance of winning.
9.  That a few bookmakers are claiming libelous things like they only close the accounts of people suspected of being involved in criminal activity.
10.  Etc., Etc., Etc.

Every single one of these issues contravenes the UK Consumer Act (2015) in one way or another. The GC consumer email service gives every punter their chance to tell the truth.  It is a pretty shocking list.